Happy Holidays!
When does the holiday season begin, and what does this time of the year mean to Bishop’s students?
Bishop’s seems to begin their holiday season with the annual and beloved Christmas Tree Lighting Celebration. On Thursday, December 1st, food tents lined the terrace, serving delicious eats from kettle corn to pizza; and more tents lined the quad, distributing baked goods.
The holiday season is upon us! In the weeks after returning to school from a restful Thanksgiving Break, a newfound excitement floats through the halls, as Winter Break inches closer and closer by the day. From the beloved Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 1, to ugly Christmas sweater free-dress on December 7, to the Giving Tree, Bishop’s is truly getting in the holiday spirit.
I’ve always considered the holiday season to begin in November because I view Thanksgiving as a family-centered holiday, just like Christmas, Chanukah, and Kwanza, among others. But what do other Bishop’s students think?
Selene Wang (‘25):
I believe that the holidays start after Thanksgiving, and strictly after. If you play Christmas music before Thanksgiving, then you’re already decreasing the significance of Thanksgiving as an actually very important holiday in terms of family connection and reunion. For Christmas holidays, as a non-religious person, for me, it means a lot of food and time to connect with family. It’s also a great break from school, which all in all, makes Christmas one of the most wonderful times of the year.
Nason Li (‘25):
According to wholesale retail stores, the holidays start right after Halloween. But according to myself, I think Christmas starts around early-mid December ish, because that’s when rain starts falling; and in San Diego, rain is the closest thing you can get to snow except for fake snow haha. The holidays mean reconnecting with my family and relaxing for two weeks. The holidays are also special because they’re right after cumulatives, which is nice. You can breathe a big sigh of relief knowing that you’re done with cumulatives for another few months.
Gabby Gaspar (‘25):
I’ve been talking to my friend, Adelaide [Kessler (‘25)], about this a lot. In my personal opinion, the holidays start right after Thanksgiving. As soon as Thanksgiving is done, you’re allowed to play Christmas music and go all out. But nothing before. Like, Starbucks, why are you making Christmas cups in November?!
The holidays mean family, since my brother comes home from college. My family all gets these Elf (like the movie) shirts from Target. And this year, we bought Elf themed wrapping paper!
Adelaide Kessler (‘25):
Holiday season, hands down, begins at midnight after October 31. No more pumpkins, the lights are going up. We have a rule in the Kessler house that the Christmas tree is not allowed out of storage until the day after Thanksgiving, but I make my way around it by decorating my room on November 1 in protest. To me, the holidays are a time to remember the beauty in life when things are most stressful. And holidays include Thanksgiving. For all those haters who say we’re skipping Thanksgiving, it’s a part of the holidays. There’s nothing more special than that warm and fuzzy feeling you get when you’re surrounded by family, and it’s EVEN better when there’s a Christmas tree to accompany it! In conclusion, Mariah Carey in August is never too early.
Ryan Qin (‘25):
I consider the holiday season to begin as early as possible, which is right after Thanksgiving. Preparing for Christmas before Thanksgiving seems a bit too rushed and out of place, so I try to keep my excitement contained until after Thanksgiving is over. The holiday season is a time to relax (though it’s not too relaxing during the cumulative season), and to spend time with family and friends. I think that the tradition of gift-giving, while it has its downsides, is a great way to bring everyone together!
Jonas Pfefferman (‘24)
To me, the holidays begin after Thanksgiving, which is the compromise I made with my Mom on when she can start playing Christmas music. Like a lot of people, the holidays mean seeing family members I might not get to see very often and enjoying the holiday festivities.
Dylan Navarrete (‘24):
The holiday season begins on December 1, when I start making my Christmas playlist. And to put it plain and simple, the holidays mean love and family.
Ava Bradley (‘24):
Holidays to me, I’m thinking December, Winter, Christmas, Chanukah, and Kwanza. And I’m saying that they officially start December 1, no earlier. Thanksgiving people are wrong! To me, the holidays mean a time where I don’t have homework, I can rest, and I use it as a time to recuperate for next semester.
Serena Zhang (‘24):
I think the holidays start on November 1, and then pause Thanksgiving week, and then resume after Black Friday and go all the way until the New Year’s. The holidays to me mean finding comfort in my home with my family, and expressing thanks to the people who we might usually take for granted.
Sienna Garza (‘24):
The holidays start before Thanksgiving, and then it pauses for Thanksgiving, and then it resumes right afterwards. But it also pauses until after finals because I can’t really be in a happy mood with like 10 finals the next day! It’s all about spending time with family and having a nice break.
Good luck on your cumulatives, Knights! Winter Break is almost here!

Sydney Chan is an Editor-in-Chief for The Tower dedicated to discovering unique stories and bringing them to life through her pieces. She especially loves...