Update: Everything you need to know about AP exams


Now, many students are settling into their new lives at home and getting into the swing of the new online-school schedule. But right around the corner, a new challenge awaits: online standardized testing. What do you need to know about the upcoming AP exams and SATs?

AP exams begin on Monday, May 11, and run through Friday, May 22. Makeup tests will be held between Monday, June 1, and Friday, June 5. There will be three tests per day and for most subjects, each test is 45 minutes long with an additional five minutes for uploading. The college board requires that students log onto the testing service 30 minutes early to sign in. Most tests will have one or two free-response questions with specific time limits for each question. Students have to submit their answers in the allotted time for each question. All tests will be open-note.

The College Board will keep AP exam score out of five, the same as before. They are confident that colleges will continue awarding high scores on these tests credit in place of classes.

To help students prepare for the upcoming exams, the College Board has released a series of webinars, test-specific YouTube videos, and blog posts giving advice on taking open-note tests and managing time. All of these are available on the College Board website and YouTube channel.