Looking to the Future: Alumni Connections at Bishop’s
At the Alumni Career Panel on November 6, current Bishop’s students talked and ate Domino’s pizza with Bishop’s alumni to gain insight on life after Bishop’s. Each student who signed up for the lunch got to choose who they sat and conversed with based on a list of seven professions: finance, graphic design and branding, biotechnology, medical, investment management, law, sociology and mental health, and architecture.
Students were able to ask questions about the college admissions process, voice their concerns, and learn about jobs that interested them. Many of the alumni shared a similar sentiment with students, saying that Bishop’s will fully prepare them for college and to take advantage of the many opportunities the school offers. Chris Zures (‘05) told students to “trust the process” because their work at Bishop’s will pay off by being able to develop a strong work ethic. Graphic designer Laurel Hanson (‘87), stressed to her table that “there are always challenges” and that they must continue to work hard after Bishop’s to achieve what they want to in life.
In past alumni events, students sat in rows facing the alumni who sat at one long panel table. This year, the alumni were seated at round tables with around five to ten students. The alumni spoke about their different professions and where they went to college. In previous years, there was little student interaction. The new format further allowed students to get a grasp of what their lives may be like in ten to thirty years on a more personal because of the interactive nature of the lunch. This event also provided some students with reassurance and less stress going into the college process.
Tate Vaccaro (‘22) thought that “It was really comforting to hear about the alumni’s past experiences with the college process, good and bad. It really puts everything into perspective and reminds me that I’ll end up where I’m supposed to.” Alania Camuro (‘20) said that the event “Definitely made me feel at ease when talking to our alumni” because the alum she spoke with was “open about his personal life and his college experience.” This vulnerability allowed students to ask more pressing questions and get advice for the future.
This experience showed Bishop’s students that college may seem like the end-all-be-all right now, but it is supposed to be fun and a learning experience. The alumni reassured students. “I actually felt really good going into college,” Laurel Hanson (’87) stated. “I was way more prepared than a lot of the kids I went to school with.”
Overall, the Alumni Career Lunch allowed students to utilize their vast connections, gain insight on the college process, and provide examples of possible career paths for the future.

Cate Freundt joined The Tower as a sophomore in the 2019-2020 school year. In her free time she enjoys hanging out with friends, playing soccer and lacrosse,...