The Tower is a student-run publication at The Bishop’s School in La Jolla, California. Writers and editors work together under the guidance of a faculty advisor to enhance the Bishop’s community and stimulate meaningful conversation through the collection and distribution of news. The Tower aims to educate the Bishop’s community about issues and events that pertain to the experience of young adults. Sections of The Tower include Sports, Arts, Campus, Culture, Local & Beyond, Opinion, and The Bell. The Tower prints six issues each academic year, in addition to continuous online content.
The Tower works with the administration by communicating about sensitive topics to ensure the safety of Bishop’s students. The Tower refrains from prior review of its issues, and maintains the right to publish anonymous quotes when the privacy of the individual is a concern. All quotes are subject to editing for clarity and length. Opinions expressed in The Tower do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff or of the Bishop’s School.
The Tower ℅ The Bishop’s School 7607 La Jolla Blvd, La Jolla, CA 92037 Email: thetower@bishops.com Instagram: @thebishopstower Twitter: @thebishopstower