The heart of our Bishop’s community beats around the concept of belonging and equity. New Associate DEIJ Director Ms. Sarah Miller has always been driven to bring support to students who don’t quite feel that steady acceptance in regards to their identity and well-being. A school social worker, a college and career counselor, a practitioner of DEIJ — Ms. Miller has accomplished much in over seven years working in K-12 and post-secondary education. Let’s see what amazing things she can bring to our community this year!
Q: So far, what have you liked most about Bishop’s and why?
A: There is a true sense of community here at Bishop’s. In only a few months I’ve witnessed community members getting involved, caring for each other and committing to making this campus a better place. I really look forward to coming to work each day to be a part of it all.
Q: When did you start working with DEIJ and why are you passionate about it?
A: This is a harder question to answer… I could say that I got my start in 2016 while serving as an advisor for a high school GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance). Or, that I got my start in 2015 when supporting undocumented students navigate the college admissions process, or maybe even in 2011 when I initiated bringing Unified Arts to my high school as a way to dismantle disability bias… During the 2021-22 school year is when I held my first “DEI title” but I think I’ve always been passionate about community and equity work. There have been many times throughout my life when I’ve experienced the feeling of being “other” based on things I can’t change about myself and I’ve seen what can happen to adolescents when adults aren’t fully supporting their well-being, taking identity into consideration. I don’t want that to be the experience for students today. That is why I do the work.
Q: Do you have any plans for what you’re going to bring to the DEIJ department?
A: I hope to amplify the incredible work that is underway and better understand the needs of the community. I’d love to see the middle school affinity groups take off and support advisors in utilizing advisory time as a way to build community and foster belonging. I hope that DEIJ lessons become moments for students to both learn something new and practice skills. I’d love to highlight student affinity group facilitators more and support their leadership development. I could go on… Ultimately, I hope to partner with the DEIJ Team members to create even more programming and opportunities for all Bishop’s community members to see themselves in DEIJ work.
Q: What are some challenges that you’ve been facing so far?
A: I don’t feel like I’m facing too many challenges so far (thankfully!). That said, I am trying my best to understand a new school culture which isn’t always easy. And, I am still trying to wrap my head around the schedule!
Q: What are you looking forward to this year at Bishop’s?
A: I’m looking forward to attending more games and events as well as learning more about the people (students, faculty, staff, and parents) that make this place really special.