Exploring Campus Sweet Spots
Picture this. You’re walking with your friends after lunch and trying to find somewhere to sit before class (inevitably) starts. If you’re a rookie, you’ll probably head over to the library. Three floors means there has to be space for you somewhere, right? Unfortunately, you’ll soon realize that every single spare seat in the library is taken up by somebody — maybe multiple somebodies — during the fateful lunch hour. Unless you feel like studying completely silently on the top floor, the library is not your best friend.
So where else is there to sit? you may ask. Well, this article was made for anybody in the position of asking that question. Follow along for my brief guide of the best spots around campus (besides the library of course) to spend time in — no matter the kind of space you’re looking for.

Nora Bitar is a senior and the Managing Editor for The Tower. Her favorite type of articles to write are music reviews — which she can’t wait to do...