Aye, Aye, Captain! Fall Season Ahead!
Fall sports captains share their hopes, reflections, and favorite parts of playing
On August 29, Erika Pfister (’23) and the Girls’ Varsity Field Hockey team faced Helix Charter High school. They won in a 9-0 game.
Many Bishop’s athletes, like Co-Captains Steven Yin (‘24) (Cross Country) and Kate Peterson (‘23) (Field Hockey), started their sports in freshman year. For them, their sport brought new opportunities. Kate said that she had to push herself to “play with some really good girls” who encouraged her to be a better field hockey player. Steven said that his team has provided him comfort. “We are all super supportive of each other and we cheer up our teammates after a race. We always tell [each other] good job regardless of the time [a teammate ran],” he explained.
For others like Co-Captains Grace Sun (‘23), Sophia “Sopo” Guan (‘24) and Emma Myer (‘24) who have all played individual sports since they were very young, Bishop’s offered them a rare opportunity to play on a team. Grace, who plays golf, was introduced to “the concept of team, and then [she] understood the spirit of the team.” Emma, who plays tennis, said that although tennis is so “individual, I recently tried to focus on being a better captain and team player, working together as a community instead of individual matches.”
When you spend every day after school with the same people, it makes sense that you would all become close friends. For Grace and Sopo, their golf team serves as a place where a lot of their friends are. Sopo said, “you belong on a team, because you all have the same goal” and as a result, they all become “much closer.” Grace agreed, saying, “something that’s really special [about golf is that you] get to know someone, who they really are,” and the sport has made her “talk to people [she] otherwise wouldn’t have talked with.”

(Jaden Moore)
The golf team isn’t an anomaly. The Girls’ Field Hockey team has incredible camaraderie. Kate said that “being with a different group of girls is nice and refreshing — getting to laugh with new people and cultivate new friends” brings her joy. Her Co-Captain Novalyne Petrekis (‘23) said, “the sport brings an insane amount of euphoria and I associate my best friends with this sport.” Girls’ Varsity Volleyball Co-Captain Sydney Bold (‘23) said, “every girl on the team is rooting for each other’s success, and everybody brings the energy every day.” Her Co-Captain Audrey An (‘23) added on, saying they “get close because [they] are all going through the same struggles,” school, stress, and the pressure to win, amongst others. At that, both Sydney and Audrey laughed. Co-Captain of the Boys’ football team Hewitt Watkins (‘23) said that they “are family… I wouldn’t trade our time on the field for anything.”
As teams become closer, they establish new traditions, from team songs to snacks to secret Instagrams. For the Girls’ Volleyball Team, their “Little Sally Walker” chant is a must-do before each game: hyping up each other and their crowd, or their “dig pink day” which honors breast cancer, according to Audrey. For the tennis team, wheat thins with cream cheese are a must-have before every match. “My personal favorite type is strawberry cream cheese,” Emma laughed. And for the Girls’ Golf Team, their Instagram account (@brummiegolf), is where they record food reviews of their team snack on the rides to their matches. Each team has a specific thing that brings them together.
Beyond just the people, the sport itself brings most athletes a lot of joy. For Emma, it helps her “get her mind off whatever [she] is worried about” and lets her channel her focus to something unrelated to academics. For Audrey, volleyball is her “escape, it lets [her] turn off [her] brain, let out all [her] frustration in exercise.” Steven also experiences similar emotions while running. He said “running helps me release energy, watching the scenery around me and it brings me a piece of mind. [I often] run before homework to focus [or] clear [my] mind.” Co-Captain of the football team Jaden Moore (‘23) said, “[football] a great distraction, everything is on that sport and what you are doing. Football is a great outlet, it helps me get through high school.” His Co-Captian William Fierro (‘23) added on, saying “football cancels out the noise and stress throughout the day, also it’s just being around all my friends.” He continued, “I love these kids like my brothers.”
Sopo said that the Bishop’s Community has “made me a more extroverted and talkative person. I’ve found my own sense of humor and energy, and I appreciate the teachers that have personal connections. Especially with advisors, they do more than just their job.” Co-Captain of the Varsity Girls’ Field Hockey Team Erika Pfister (‘23) has had to learn to “become a role model. I have also learned work ethic and time management because Bishop’s is so rigorous, I’ve learned how to parse out my time for each class.”
Bishop’s sports offer every student a place regardless of previous experience and can introduce you to a whole new set of peers that you would have otherwise had no contact with. Who knows, maybe you’ll find your new best friend?

This is Leila’s fourth year on the staff and her second as Editor-In-Chief. Leila loves The Tower as much as she loves field hockey, peach Snapple, the...