Welcoming Mr. Luis Torres Juarez: New Member of the Maintenance Team

As part of the maintenance team, Mr. Luis Torres Juarez is one of the many new faces at Bishops this year. Though a quiet and reserved person, he had a lot to share about himself in regards to his experience at Bishops along with his life outside of work including his family such as his three kids.
What did you do before coming to Bishops, what was it like, and what brought you here?
I used to work at a paint company. It was called Prime American Coating. I did painting and stuff and work that I used to do for the paint company and a bunch of stuff before that. I did drywall installation, added mud and stucco. I came to Bishops because my cousin works here.
How have your first couple weeks been?
Pretty good! I mean nothing like [any other jobs] but the other jobs are just like, you’re just getting the work done and right here is like such a different place to work.
What’s been your favorite thing about Bishops so far and have you made any connections with your coworkers?
The people around are pretty nice so I like that. [So far] it’s been like all coworkers. It’s been pretty nice and the staff, I know most of the people so it’s been pretty good. They’re really friendly.
Can you tell me about a typical day that you spend here?
Just getting work orders done and random stuff.
Do you have any hobbies?
Not at all. My kids play football so I’m really into that. I’m trying to make some time for [a Bishop’s football game]. I like to play with my kids so I pass most of my time with them.
Tell me about yourself?
I’m a pretty quiet person; I don’t like to say too many things. I really just focus on the work and try to get everything done, everything running smoothly. I’m a really reserved guy.
Concluding Thoughts?
It’s a really nice school. Everyone, the staff, the teachers, the students have been really nice to me. It’s a pretty good school to work with.

Kayden came to Bishops in 8th grade and became a staff writer for The Tower this year. He joined The Tower since he wanted to improve his writing, learn...