Swinging for the Win

The Bishop’s Boys’ Golf Team Takes the Division III CIF Title

Tje Bishop’s Boys’ Golf Team beat Classical Academy at Rancho Bernardo Inn to win their defending CIF title.

On Thursday, April 19, the Bishop’s Varsity Boys’ Golf Team won the Division III Championship CIF title, bringing an end to a phenomenal season. The team, including Graham Walker (‘22), Michael Behr (‘22), Aarav Chandra (‘22), Kayden Wang (‘24), William Ma (‘24), and Michael Geng (‘24), earned their lowest league score of the season, 189, to secure their defending title against Classical Academy.

Many hard-fought victories as a team ultimately led to winning the CIF championship. “Winning CIF felt like the culmination of our entire season and all the hard work we put in,” Kayden explained. “Everyone on the team sacrificed their time to make it to our matches and help the golf team get to this point. CIFs were really competitive and I’m super happy for everyone on the golf team since we all played pretty well.” 

The team’s dynamic of seniors and freshmen made for an especially memorable season. Led by co-captains Michael and Graham, the team bonded over post-game meals, carpooling to matches together, and constantly uplifting one another on the course. “We had a very special team this year with William, Kayden, and Ryan all stepping up and having solid performances throughout the season,” co-captain Graham said. “I hope I’ve been a good co-captain alongside Mike to them and that they can have another great season next year.” 

Michael elaborated further on the team’s progression throughout the season. “We all got a lot better, which made it easy to win league. The best part about the day was all going to the Crack Shack after to have one last meal as a team,” he said. Kayden expressed his appreciation for the genuine support of his teammates who always look out for one another. “On bad days, we’d make each other feel better, and on good days, we’d hype each other up a lot,”  he said. “We’d also carpool to matches together, and [we] got team meals, which brought our bond beyond the golf course.” 

From back-to-back CIF title wins to team Crack Shack runs afterward, there are a lot of aspects of competing with the Bishop’s Golf Team that the seniors will miss next year. Kayden described how meaningful the seniors were to him this season. “I got to interact with a lot of people I wouldn’t normally talk to, such as the seniors,” he said. “I made a lot of friends throughout and I’ll miss them a lot next year.” 

For Graham, the win was especially bittersweet. “It’s crazy that my four years with the team are already over,” he said. “Winning our conference was indicative of our hard work, dedication, and care throughout the season of grinding out all our matches to get a win. Overall, this season was just a lot of fun and I have my teammates and coach Dave to thank for that.” Michael also reflected on his last four years as a team member and now co-captain. “Being able to compete with the squad and pull off big wins like our match against Classical Academy this year has been a lot of fun,” he said. “I know the freshmen will carry on the legacy in the years to come.”

Congratulations to the Bishop’s Boys’ Golf Team on finishing out their season with another CIF win.