A Scary Spamming Era
Kanye West spammed his Instagram with many alarming posts.
Kayne (Ye) West’s posts, from February 8 through the 15, have revealed the contentious, emotional, private experience of his divorce from Kim. At first, like many, Mikayla Crowe (‘24) said “my immediate reaction was that the posts were entertaining as I think a lot of people felt.” In light of recent post spamming, West’s reactions to Kardashian moving on may ruin any chances of a peaceful divorce.

While Kanye West and Julia Fox were still together, West posted a six photo collage of his children and Kim Kardashian, begging God to bring them back together. Kardashian filed for divorce on February 19, 2021; since then both have affiliated themselves with new partners. Nevertheless, recently, West made his feelings public, clearly showing he is not over his ex-wife. His all-caps typing style suggests a sense of aggression, which he proceeds to use until February fifteenth. Although this post seems innocent, simply praying for his family to be reunited, what follows in his spamming era may hurt those chances forever.

This post was full of rage towards Pete Davidson or, as he refers to him as, Skete. Claire Zhao (‘22) expressed that “his anger towards Pete Davidson is a bit scary.” Kardashian and Davidson have been rumored dating since 2021. West desperately drags every possible flaw Davidson might have. In this post he is referring to the prominent tattoo Davidson has of Hillary Clinton. Why does West hold so much rage towards Davidson all of the sudden?
West is in his editing era. This post, along with the Civil War post, are poorly cropped edits made by fans of his, posing Davidson and Kardashian against him. West was interacting with many of his fans throughout this phase, which is somewhat unusual from celebrities like him. More screenshots of comments and memes from his supporters appeared in his feed later on. Although this is a bit lighthearted, who is really the villain here?

West posted about an old, and hurtful rumor about Davidson and Ariana Grande’s relationship. The rumor is Davidson sending the late Mac Miller intimate pictures of him and Grande. It is merely gossip and very disrespectful. As he continues to paint Davidson as the bad guy he is bringing in hurtful gossip from the past.

As Davidson handles the situation maturely, West is not making himself look any better. He posted a screenshot of a Calvin Klein ad Davidson and Machine Gun Kelly collaborated on, where the two posed in Calvin Klein undergarments. In accordance with that, he posted a message sent by Davidson, claiming he will remain on the sidelines of the divorce and will not get involved with Kardashian and West’s children unless both parents allow it. Not only was this a private message, sent to possibly de-escalate West’s reactions, Davidson is being polite and appropriate, unlike West.
Ensuring his account does not get banned for all the spamming, West posted a funny slideshow of images.
In reference to a viral skit Davidson performed on Saturday Night Live in 2018, West once again tries to portray Pete as a villain. The post is partnered with a confusing caption claiming Davidson should be sent to jail. “His obsession with Kim and Pete’s relationship was apparent,” Bella Myer (‘22) said. Again claiming Davidson will never meet his children.

In a slideshow of “the lowest quality photos or poorly cropped screenshots” as Claire Zhao (‘23) described it, he interacts again with many of his fans. Clearly in denial, he still is making plays to get Kardashian back. To him, they are not divorcing. “KIMYE” will be always and forever, he says.
Celebrating Valentine’s Day, West is nowhere near accepting that Kardashian has moved on. He sent a truckload of red roses with “MY VISION IS KRYSTAL KLEAR” on the side, to her home. The double ‘K’ plays into the Kardashian tradition of all the sister’s names starting with ‘K.’ What is this vision he has? Because at this point they are “never getting back together” (Taylor Swift).
A surprising few posts of screenshots of private texts between Kardashian and himself were shared on his feed as well. A stern message from Kardashian shows how disappointed she is with him harassing Davidson on the internet, and sharing their private conversation. But, the following screenshots show how crazily in love he is with her. Something tells me this divorce is going to be long and messy.
The end of an era. West finally calms down his captions and all the posts are deleted. Bella Myer (‘22) wrote, “I think it’s clear that Kanye is going through a difficult time and needs support from his management, fans, and the people around him.” He called for a professional social media management team, and hopefully they will prevent any further spamming, as this definitely did not help his side of the divorce case.
Was this all a play for creating a larger audience for the documentary? Or for the single he released, as well as DONDA2 being released soon? It could have been. Or, is West done playing it cool with the divorce, and is craving having his family back together? Hopefully, this does not affect Davidson or Kardashian in any dangerous ways, and the divorce continues to be peaceful.

Bella Gallus is a senior and the Managing Editor for The Tower. Bella relies on her Spotify playlists, carefully curated for each of her moods, and her...