Bishop’s Hosts a Vaccine Clinic for Students, Staff, and Families
On November 9 many students, staff, and families came from 10am-4pm to get boosters and first doses.
If you think back to last spring, you may remember the stress and effort it took to reserve a COVID-19 vaccine. Reloading the website page, early in the morning, just hoping to get a time slot: getting the COVID-19 vaccine could be compared to a lottery!
Since the spring, more and more people have gotten their vaccines and the frantics of overscheduling have died down. On October 29, the FDA approved the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for a new group of people. Almost a full year after Pfizer announced the success in developing a COVID-19 vaccine, the FDA has approved use of it for 5-11 year olds. Along with this, booster shots for adults are also available for high risk groups over 18, and everyone over 65 years of age. This creates the opportunity for more vaccination rates, and possibly a surge. Still, the question remains: will these big announcements create another surge of vaccine scheduling?
As Bishop’s parents pondered the question of scheduling booster shots and their kid’s first shots, good news arrived for them. On October 31, Knights News announced a pop-up vaccine clinic on campus. The clinic took place November 9, with a second shot clinic three weeks later on November 30. The news letter explained that with partnership with Costco Pharmacy, they would “feature the [Pfizer] vaccine for children ages 5-11 and will also offer both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for individuals 12 and up who are looking for either an initial dose or a booster shot.”
According to Bishop’s Assistant Head of School Michael Beamer, Bishop’s didn’t decide to host the clinic, “We got a cold call from Costco.” Mr. Beamer decided to agree to host the clinic because he “thought it would be nice to give the younger part of our community get vaccinated” since “our campus has a majority vaccinated community”
Mr. Beamer’s only concern was that he “was a little concerned if we could fill the clinic.” Thankfully, in the hours it was run from 10am-4pm the clinic was successful in filling its slots according to Mr. Beamer. Mr. Beamer’s main hope was for the 6th graders to get vaccinated, he explained “that’s who I have in mind for who this clinic is for.” Looking forward he knows November 30 is the 2nd clinic, but passed that he isn’t sure what is next for COVID restrictions. “If I’ve learned anything this year it’s that trying to predict the virus is not smart” he explains.
So as the date November 30 approaches, many Bishop’s students, families, and staff look forward to being fully vaccinated. However as the date approaches the question still remains: will Bishop’s eventually order a vaccine mandate for students and staff?

Ben is a senior and Editor-in-Chief of The Tower. This is his fourth year on staff and second year as an editor, having previously been Graphics Editor....